Thank You!
Thank you for supporting our church! Click the link below to give online safely and securely!
Special Note
Note: Larry and our elders only have access to overall financial reports – which do not include any donor names or identifiable information.
Our pastors and elders do not see or know what any individual gives as a tithe or offering.
We’ll never be able to express our gratitude or even truly know (on this side of eternity) the impact that your support has made in and through our church.
What we can do – is show you some of the things that were possible because of you!

The Church's Spending:
Here’s a look at the breakdown of how your donations were used.
In 2024, nearly $360,000 went towards Home Church Outreach

What is the difference between Outreach and Outreach Partners?
Outreach is everything WE DO at our church and in our community. Our “Shared Blessings” grocery distribution is a great example! Every week we have several volunteers at the church preparing bags of groceries for local families in need. Volunteers pray with families and fill the trunk of their cars with food!
Outreach Partners are other ministries that we support financially. Mission India is a great example of one of our Outreach Partners.